Are you offended at the mention of the U.S. Constitution because the Founders owned slaves, or were Pro-Slavery?
Do you insist on rejecting anything to do with the Constitution?
Or, do you instead, try to improve the Constitution and get people to use modern morals to better interpret it?
There is no comparison here FT. The laws of the land have changed with the progression of morality, the bible has not. God himself states in the bible that he does not change (despite his contradictions throughout the bible).
The bible and Christianity both make the claim that the book is the inerrant word from God, that only by obeying gods expectations set out in the book will God approve of you and grant salvation. All who disobey his laws will be judged for their sins.
The constitution makes no such claims, and is amendable to a progressive culture. The bible would have us locked into an archaic time of stoning our children for being disrespectful.
What is it going to take for people to realize that they are holding on to an ancient peoples ignorant worldview and that because of so many doing this our society is suffering? If you would just honestly evaluate all the harms this book has brought our species both in the past and present, you'd be left with the truth - that the bible is no different from Greek mythology, Egyptian mythology, roman mythology, etc and deserves to be viewed just as fictitious.